Office Anchor Strategy/The Bronx NYCEDC RFP

BJH supported a real estate developer with its response to New York City Economic Development Corporation’s (NYCEDC) Bronx Office Anchor Strategy Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP involved a potential lease by the City of New York to serve as anchor tenant for a proposed office development in the Bronx. BJH worked with the developer and design team to shape a proposal that would meet NYCEDC’s criteria. BJH’s tasks included preparing the RFP submission document, drafting the project narrative, drafting project support letters, advising on compliance with Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) and related programs, reviewing terms for draft term sheet, and providing general strategic advisory in structuring public/private partnerships with New York City agencies. The developer is currently involved in ongoing discussions with NYCEDC about the potential project.

The HUB, South Bronx, NY


Broadway-Fillmore Downtown Revitalization Initiative


Community League of the Heights (CLOTH)